Monday, April 23, 2012

Chocolate Muffins (Adapted from Hummingbird Bakery recipe)

Another week, another cake to bake! Usually, around 6pm on a Sunday afternoon, I start to ponder the contenders for this weeks cake. I often find myself drawn to tried and tested options like Marble Cake, Lemon Drizzle and Chocolate Cocoa Brownies. But luckily I have you, reader, to motivate me to try something new.

Today, I whittled my shortlist down to Chocolate Muffins ala Hummingbird Bakery, a recipe that often tempts me with its delightful photography, but which, for some reason, I have never got around to trying until now.

So here goes. My experience with Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook recipes has thus far been disappointing. A past attempt to bake their stem ginger muffins (mmm... sounds like a surething, right?) resulted in an utterly depressing yield of lumpy, insipid and bin-worthy blobs of dough. So I was very careful this time to measure accurately, and follow the instructions very precisely (apart from dividing the recipe by two).

Chocolate Muffins (from Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook)

Firstly, I measured out all my ingredients. The recipe yields 12 muffins, but I only needed 5, so I divided the recipe by two.

First things first, I cracked one egg, into a jug with the sugar.

Next, I added the vanilla to the milk, in a separate beaker, and forgot to take a picture, sorry. Please imagine milk in a beaker.

Then, I whisked the eggs and sugar with my Kenwood hand whisk (godsend), for about 3 minutes.

I measured out the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder)in a bowl, ready for sifting.

Then I put them in the sieve...

... and sieved them.

Mix it all together, and you get a lovely chocolatey rich looking muffin batter. As always, be careful not to over stir muffin mixture, or they won't rise into those little mushroom domed wonders.

Into the muffin cases, and ready to bake!

I failed to take a photo of the finished product, but I will absolutely ask my other half to photograph one before he swipes the lot.

The final results were pleasing, and I'm happy to say trust in my Hunningbird Bakery cookbook has been restored. These were moist, yummy and chocolatey. Not at all dry, which is often the case with muffin recipes. Fantastic, I recommend you give them a go.

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